Sunday, 19 February 2017

Mercury shootin' through every degree

Every now and again a song comes along, whether it's something that you've bought or a snippet you catch on a radio, and you know that you just have to hear that live. No two ways about it. Top of the list.

They are unforgettable moments, or at least they are to me, the equivalent of a bolt of lightening or a swift and spiritual kick to the head.

And it knows no boundaries. It doesn't matter whether it's someone you have liked all along, a totally new band or someone you'd rather not admit to liking. Either which way, the result is the same. Eagerly searching for when that particular song is likely to be played live in the vicinity. 

Here are some of mine;

'Just Like Fred Astaire' - James
'We Too Are One' - Eurythmics 
'A Day Like This' - Elbow
'One Tree Hill' - U2
'Sproston Green' - The Charlatans

I'll let you decide what category they fall into. I'm pleased to say that I have, in the main, been able to hear these bolts of audio lightening live. In some cases more than once and usually within a reasonable time scale from first hearing it. Usually, but not always. Sometimes it is just not possible, either through sheer distance from the nearest venue, other committments or death. The latter is a real problem and enough of a reason I suppose. Some people just don't try hard enough.

So why am I telling you all this? Well last night, after playing a waiting game that spanned over twenty years, I finally got to hear 'Roam' by the B-52s live. Never let it be said that I'm not patient! It was a balm summer's day back in 1989 when I was jolted awake by the surf style guitar riff with a storming summer pop song closely in tow. This was a song that I just had to hear live. It would be ace.

And by chance the Athens GA quartet were heading my way.... well sort of. Well they were coming to the same country at least. Unfortunately, the Town and Country Club in London was a little out of reach to go solo and try as I might I couldn't get any of my so called 'mates' to take the trip with me. Nagging just wasn't going to work so I resigned myself to listening to the concert on the radio. It was the next best thing, or so I tried to kid myself.

Fast forward to November 2016 and would you believe it? They were only playing with Simple Minds as part of a summer tour. Yes in a few short months, they would be playing at the bottom of our street. Here in Auckland!

I must admit to being a little sceptical at first. Simple Minds and The B-52s aren't the obvious acts to appear on the same bill. When you imagine the finest stadium band to come out of the UK you don't immediately think 'What would make the night complete is some quirky indie-surfy-dance music'. Despite the misgivings about the bill, tickets were bought and so last night, on a similarly balmy night in Auckland, I finally heard 'Roam' live. Was it worth the wait? Well, after twenty-five years of waiting you are fully expecting me to confirm that it was. Well, like the song last night, I won't disappoint and say yes it was worth the wait. Just about.

I have no doubt that it would've been better in the Town and Country Club, rather than the cavernous Vector Arena, but beggars can't be choosers. Besides, I only had to walk ten minutes to the venue rather than travel several hundred miles and I was back, tucked up in bed with a cup of tea for 11:00pm. Not very rock and roll I know but it was a school night and I had drank two glasses of wine whilst watching the concert. Ahem, moving swiftly on.......

One of the wonderful things about living in New Zealand, particularly in Auckland, is that if any band is going to make it to this side of the planet then they are more than likely to play here. Not only that, but by the time they arrive here they are usually on the last leg of the tour and so are fully in party mode and have ironed out all of niggles and setlist problems. Fine tuned you might say.

And, because the venues are comparatively smaller than those in more populous centres, it all makes for a much better my experience. As well these heroes of the pop charts, we have also had the pleasure of catching Elbow, PJ Harvey and Johnny Marr, to name but a few, and in a few short days we have the pleasure of Bruce Springsteen's company. Admittedly that will be in a stadium but at least it won't be foggy. Well hopefully not.

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