No matter which side of the political line you choose to sit on, or on the line itself in some cases, you have to admit that the BBC is recognised the world over. Yes you do. It won't hurt.
And I miss it. Even though if I were to be in the UK right now, this evening, or this morning if you want to be pedantic, I probably be doing something less boring instead, it'd be good to know it was there.
Except now it's not. And I can't not watch it. That seems to make it worse somehow. Yes we can get BBC World News - a watered down version of BBC 24 - with it's odd slant towards all things non UK. Why? Why bother? We all know that the interesting things only happen north of the channel.
And there are the BBC educational programmes. I must admit I got a bit of a shock when I tuned in and DIDN'T find a programme about table etiquette and the correct way to make tea. Instead I was treated to a natural history programme about two......well you can imagine. BBC Knowledge is the go-to programme for Kiwis with a first for knowledge. Thank goodness they don't show any sport on there. The last thing we want is Kiwis getting good at cricket or rugby.....
But wherever you go in the world, people recognise the BBC. Here in NZ people trust it more than their own broadcasters Sky. I know that isn't saying much. But they do.
Two channels of quality programming, and the obligatory UK Gold, is not much. But it'll do. It'll have to. The rest is either American trash (with the exception of Big Bang Theory - the geek shall inherit the earth) or imported Aussie stuff. And you can only imagine what that's like.
Oh how I miss the BBC. Especially last Sunday when the UK were being tret to the new Doctor Who. And we weren't. What a calamity. What a predicament. What to do? With only a few teaser trailers it was clearly some way off landing New Zealand side. Fortunately Auckland had the answer. The cinema. Yessiree for only $20 each we could sit in comfortable seats, drinks in hand, in near total darkness and watch the new episode unfold. How could we refuse?
So at 5pm last Sunday we joined the other trendsetters, you know go getters, and watched Malcolm Tucker....oops... Doctor Who take on half-machine half-human foes. No, not the Conservative Party but evil impostors who we're farming innocent humans for their own gain.....wait it could've been..... stop it! Anyway, it was just like being at home except it cost us the better part of £20 for the pleasure and I got a few more funny stares in my homemade Ood costume. Ah well, at least it was dark for the walk home.
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